目前已围绕上述研究方向,在国际国内高水平期刊,如Computers & Education、Interactive Learning Environments、Internet Research、Cyberpsychology、《现代教育技术》、《现代远程教育研究》和《现代远距离教育》等发表学术论文20余篇。
[1]Jiutong Luo*, Pui-sze Yeung, & Hui Li (2023). Gender and parent-adolescent differences in perceived media parenting: Evidence from a Chinese validation study. Journal of Children and Media, 1-20. (SSCI Q2)
[2]Jiutong Luo, Minhong Wang, & Shengquan Yu (2022). Exploring the factors influencing teachers’ instructional data use with electronic data systems. Computers & Education, 191,104631. (SSCI Q1 & SCI Q1)
[3]Jiutong Luo & Shengquan Yu (2022). Implementing the key-competence-based subject knowledge learning tool among Chinese middle schools: The direct and sustained effects. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-20. (SSCI Q1)
[4]Chenjia Zhu, Meng Sun, Jiutong Luo, Tianyi Li, & Minhong Wang (2023). How to harness the potential of ChatGPT in education? Knowledge Management & E-learning: An International Journal, 15(2), 133-152. (ESCI)
[5]Hang Zeng, Jiutong Luo* (2023). Effectiveness of synchronous and asynchronous online learning: A meta-analysis. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-17. (SSCI Q1)
[6]Kang Ma, Jiutong Luo*, Michael Cavanagh, Jingjing Dong, & Meng Sun (2023). Measuring teacher self-efficacy: Validating a new comprehensive scale among Chinese pre-service teachers. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:1063830. (SSCI Q1)
[7]Jiutong Luo*, Pui-sze Yeung, & Hui Li (2022). Impact of media multitasking on executive function in adolescents: Behavioral and self-reported evidence from a one-year longitudinal study. Internet Research, 32(4), 1310-1328. (SCI Q1 & SSCI Q2)
[8]Jiutong Luo, Minhong Wang, Boyin Chen, & Meng Sun (2022). Exposure to nature sounds through a mobile application in daily life: Effects on learning performance among university students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 14583. (SSCI Q1 & SCI Q2)
[9]Shuanghong Jenny Niu, Jiutong Luo*, Hannele Niemi, Xiaoqing Li, & Yu Lu (2022). Teachers’ and students’ views of using an AI-aided educational platform for supporting teaching and learning at Chinese schools. Education Sciences, 12(12), 858. (ESCI)
[10]Jiutong Luo, Minhong Wang, & Ling Chen (2021). The effects of using a nature-sound mobile application on psychological well-being and cognitive performance among university students. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 699908. (SSCI Q1)
[11]Jiutong Luo*, Hui Li, Pui-sze Yeung, & Chunqi Chang (2021). The association between media multitasking and executive function in Chinese adolescents: Evidence from self-reported, behavioral and fNIRS data. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 15(2): 8. (SSCI Q2)
[12]Dongpin Hu, Bei Yuan, Jiutong Luo*, & Minhong Wang (2021). The use of ICT in teacher professional development and teaching practice. Knowledge Management & E-learning: An International Journal, 13(1), 1-20. (ESCI)
[13]Liman Cai, Jiutong Luo*, Hui Zhang, & Jinling Ying (2020). The development of spatial representation through teaching block-building in kindergartners. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 565723. (SSCI Q1)
[14]Jiutong Luo*, Pui-sze Yeung, & Hui Li (2020). The relationships among media multitasking, academic performance and self-esteem in Chinese adolescents: The cross-lagged panel and mediation analyses. Children and Youth Serveries Review, 117: 105308. (SSCI Q1)
[15]Jiutong Luo*, Pui-sze Yeung, & Hui Li (2020). Relationship between media multitasking and self-esteem among Chinese adolescents: Mediating roles of peer influence and family functioning. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(5), 1391-1401. (SSCI Q2)
[16]Jiutong Luo*, Luyao Liang, & Hui Li (2020). The divergent roles of social media in adolescents’ academic performance. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 34(2), 167-182. (ESCI)
[17]Jingyan Lu, Jiutong Luo*, Luyao Liang, & Mengguo Jing (2019). Measuring adolescents' social media behavior inside and outside of school: Development and validation of two scales. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(5), 1108-1130. (SSCI Q1)
[18]Jiutong Luo*, Meng Sun, Pui-sze Yeung, & Hui Li (2018). Development and validation of a scale to measure media multitasking among adolescents: Results from China. Children and Youth Service Review, 95(12), 377-383. (SSCI Q1)
[1]罗九同(2019).儿童与屏幕媒体研究新进展——美国两届数字媒体与心智发展大会概述[J].少年儿童研究, (9): 9-14.
[2]罗九同,李恒平, &孙梦(2016).整合、实践与创新:突破国内数字教材建设瓶颈[J].教育探索, (2): 126-129. (PKU)
[3]胡艺龄,顾小清,罗九同,&陈婧雅(2014).教育效益的追问:从学习分析技术的视角[J].现代远程教育研究, (6): 41-48. (CSSCI)
[4]罗九同,李恒平(2014).他山之石:媒介生态学及其对教育技术研究的启示[J].现代远距离教育, (4): 69-74. (CSSCI)
[5]罗九同,孙梦,&顾小清(2014). 混合学习视角下MOOC的创新研究:SPOC案例分析[J].现代教育技术, (7): 18-25. (CSSCI)
[6]陈凯泉,罗九同&李春荣(2012). 引介与创新及理论实践的双向互动——盛群力教学设计学术思想探析[J].现代远距离教育, (5): 16-22. (CSSCI)
[1]Lei Wang, Cong Wang, Quan Wang, Jiutong Luo, Xijuan Li (Forthcoming). Smart Learning Partner——Chinese Core Competency-oriented Adaptive Learning System. In Zhai & Krajcik (eds). Uses of Artificial Intelligence in STEM Education, Oxford University Press.
[2]殷建华, 罗九同(2016). 2015年苏州市基础教育满意度调查监测公告.苏州教育绿皮书. 江苏凤凰教育出版社.
[3]参与,基于任务导向型对话系统的育人问题自动诊断研究, 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目;