Female, born in December 1994 in Ningdu, Jiangxi Province, with hukou now registered in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, graduated from Peabody Institute, Johns Hopkins University, master of music education, full-time trainee lecturer.
Research Field
Music education, English education, English for preschool education
Educational Background
August 2014 – May 2018:, University of the Pacific, UOP, bachelor of arts (BA) in music (piano)
2018.08-2020.05, , Peabody of Johns Hopkins University, master of music (MM) in music education
Career Experience
August 2020 – Present: Full-time Trainee Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Shenzhen University
Research Achievements
She has presided over the Shenzhen University Education Reform project “English Pronunciation and Reading Curriculum Reform Research for Preschool Education” (JG2021075), completed.
A Balanced Eastern & Western Music is the Key to Modern Music Development. Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2017.
How to Use Frederic Chopin’s Piano Techniques and Styles and Psychology in Music Teachings for the Piano Teaching Methods of Joe Hisaishi’s Works in Piano Versions: Inspiring New Methods to Enhance Amateur Music Learnings [D]. Johns Hopkins University, May 2020 https://jscholarship.library.jhu.edu/bitstream/handle/1774.2/62762/MING-THESIS-2020.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y.
As a member of the instruction team, she has guided students to participate in the 9th Normal University Teaching Skills Competition of Guangdong Province” and win the first prize and the third prize (November 2021).
Contact Details